Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Archana M. Would be Joining UNICAM
According to recent information from ASSICOS of UNICAM, Miss Archana M. Would be reaching Camerino from NEHU (North Eastern Hill University in Shillong, Meghalaya) to join Department of Chemistry as a PhD student of Collaborative PhD Program between India & Italy.
She will be reaching Castelraimodo railway station at 05:47 PM on Friday, 7th December.
Let's welcome new member of the Unicam India Society!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Live Stream of India Vs Pakistan - 4th ODI
Here you can see the live India Vs Pakistan 4th ODI-Indian innings, broadcasting in association with and!
Hope India wins the match & series too.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
India Vs Pakistan 1st ODI Live Stream
Pakistan cricket team has arrived in India and it will be playing the 1st of the 5 match series today in Guwahati (Asam), INDIA.
Free Live stream of the match can be seen by following the links on this page.
Hope the India wins this opener to get 1-nil lead in the series. some Astrologists have predicted a certain Indian win in this match
Lets see..What's going on over the field and what comes out at the end of the day, till then enjoy the game.
Monday, October 29, 2007
List of Shortlisted Candidates for Ph D in various faculties of University of Camerino
UNICAM (University of Camerino) has today declared the short-listed list of candidates for the 3rd International Ph D Programme.
The .pdf document can be downloaded from the University site by following the link below.
In the list, there are ample number of Indian students. So we hope to welcome more Indians soon in Our Community.
Best of Luck to everybody in the list.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
You Can't Stop time..yet...- समय को रोक नही सकते..पर..
ये तो कर ही सकते है...
You Can't stop time...
But you can turn it back
one hour at 2 a.m. on Oct 28
when daylight-saving time
ends and standard time begins
कल रात २ बजे यूरोप के कई देशों की घड़ियाँ एक घन्टे के लिये रोक दी गयीं, अर्थात..ग्रीष्मकालीन समय (Day-Light Saving Time or DST) का अन्त और मानक समय (यहाँ पर GMT+1) का प्रारम्भ।
ये मानक समय लगभग ५ महीनों के लिये होता है और पुन: मार्च महीने के अन्तिम रविवार को रात को २ के बाद सीधे ४ बज जाते हैं, और कानूनी समय (ग्रीष्मकालीन या DST) प्रारम्भ हो जाता है।
तस्वीर: साभार विकीपीडिया अन्ग्रेजी से
अधिक जानकारी: विकीपीडिया: Day-Light saving Time
Saturday, October 20, 2007
India Vs Australia Twenty-20 Cricket Live: बीसम-बीस-भारत बनाम आस्ट्रेलिया
भारतीय समयानुसार शाम सात बजे आज भारत मे पहला बीसम-बीस मैच मुम्बई के वानखेड़े स्टेडियम मे खेला जा रहा है। भारत बीसम-बीस क्रिकेट का विश्व विजेता है, और आस्ट्रेलिया के बारे मे सब जानते हैं।
तो देखते हैं कि आज क्या भारत बीसम-बीस का अपना वर्चस्व कायम रख पायेगा?
India, the Twenty-20 world champions would be taking on world champion Australia in First Ever Twenty-20 (T-20) to be played in India at Wanakhade (MCA Ground) Stadium of Mumbai Cricket Association.
They have outplayed Australia recently in South Africa, and set them out from the T-20 World cup.
Let's see who is the real Champion!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Watch Here Live Stream: India Vs Australia 6th ODI-भारत बनाम आस्ट्रेलिया छठा एक दिवसीय
Update: You are watching 7th & Last ODI of the Future Cup Series between Australia and India, being Played at Mumbai (INDIA).
Match Starts 14:30 IST on 17th October 2007
भारत और आस्ट्रेलिया के बीच नागपुर मे खेला जा रहा छठा एक दिवसीय अभी यहां देखिये।
6th of the 7 match ODI series between India and Australia being played in Nagpur (INDIA) on 14th October 2007: Watch the Live streaming here.
Update: You are watching 7th & Last ODI of the Future Cup Series between Australia and India, being Played at Mumbai (INDIA).
Match Starts 14:30 IST on 17th October 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Watch Here Live Stream: India Vs Australia 6th ODI-भारत बनाम आस्ट्रेलिया छठा एक दिवसीय
भारत और आस्ट्रेलिया के बीच नागपुर मे खेला जा रहा छठा एक दिवसीय अभी यहां देखिये।
6th of the 7 match ODI series between India and Australia being played in Nagpur (INDIA) on 14th October 2007: Watch the Live streaming here.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
5th ODI India Vs Australia Streaming: भारत बनाम आस्ट्रेलिया पाँचवां एक दिवसीय क्रिकेट मैच Live Telecast
5th of the 7 match ODI series between Australia and India is being played at VaDodara (वड़ोदरा, गुजरात) on 11th October 2007 from 9:00 AM IST (GMT+5:30) onwards.
This Cricket match can be seen as live stream broadcasts by different TV channels and also on Those people are providing the live web streaming using their own webcam which has been setup against the television screen in India.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
6th ODI: Watch Here Now: India Vs England Live Stream - भारत बनाम इंगलैण्ड सजीव प्रसारण
Nat-West Series: India in England: 7 ODI Matches
The 6th ODI at London will start 14:45 IST (09:15 GMT, 11:15 CEST)
UPDATE: Watch it Live at
Follow this link in WMP to watch live India Vs England (6th ODI)
Let me know incase you have any problem in getting the stream
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sivas Prindha nall kondatam
Maja madi Guru!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Siva's Birth Day Celebration Pictures
It was Siva's 27th Birth Day on 1st September 2007. We gathered at newly rented 3 bed room apartment of Dhuldeo et. al. to celebrate and wish him a bright future and lovely life ahead.
Here are a few of the Pics from the ceremony :)
Participants: Dhuldeo, MeenakShi, Sajeev, David, Rafeek, Aniket, Dr Jadekar and RC Mishra and ofcourse the Birth Day Boy Siva.
We missed Ayan (in Trieste) & Rupesh (On holidays in INDIA).
Watch here Now! India Vs England Live Stream: भारत बनाम इन्गलैण्ड सजीव प्रसारण
Nat-West Series: India in England: 7 ODI Matches
Follow this link in WMP to watch live India Vs England (5th ODI)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
education/job/scholarship/help: Science Jobs
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
आती हुई लहरों पे जाती हुई on San Benedetto Beach
छै छपा छै...
आती हुई लहरो पे,
जाती हुई लड़की...
We (8 Indians) had been on San Benedetto beach, last Sunday. While everybody was busy in playing water sports, I got time to click this :).
--कृपया कदमों से टकराती लहरो पर ध्यान दें।
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Future Beckham
Friday, June 22, 2007
Atlantis Landing NASA Stream Video
Yesterday evening at 20:49 hrs (GMT) Atlantis landed at JF Kennedy Air Force Base station. I was having the live web stream provided by NASA to watch the event live.These two videos are recorded from that stream. I started the mms stream in my Media player when almost 11 minutes were remaining for the Atlantis to touch the ground. The Video is 35 Min. 45 Sec. long, so it may take a while to load.
This second one is a short one which is 10 Min. 35 Sec. long and has scenes after around 25 minutes of landing of the Space Craft.
Managing Group Mails: Creating Rules & Filters
Dear Members, We are getting enough messages per day that we don’t require to see in our Mail INBOX. The simple method is to go to your group and set the message notification other than email (as soon as message arrives). Its possible that you don’t read the message by email and whenever you want you can get into the group and browse through the messages. As we are a small group sometimes there could be some urgent messages, so I recommended every one E Mail Delivery.
Here are the two other ways for not to get all messages in your INBOX and still being able to see message at your convenience without visiting the group.
- If you are using Outlook or a similar email client. Keeping in mind that you have already configured your Mail client with your mail account. This is procedure for Outlook 2003. Go to TOOLS menu choose RULES & ALERTS, select NEW RULE and follow the procedure to create a rule. Set the rule such that, When a message has in its subject [UNICAM-I] is moved from INBOX to a Folder of your choice, and at finish run the rule. Then right click on the folder, select Properties and click on the radio button saying show the total number of items.
By setting above rule every message of the group will go in that folder, you will only see a notification as new message, when a message arrives, If you like you can select the folder and view the messages over there, at your convenience.
- If you are using G Mail or any other email service: As you are registered on group through gmail (not google account with other mail services), message will be sent to this id. In case you r not using gmail as ur primary mail service you can forward mails coming here to your primary mail account (this is completely different thing). Now if you are using online G Mail service and don’t want to see group messages in your INBOX, go to settings, and choose FILTERS, then CREATE A NEW FILTER, in next page in the subject field put [UNICAM-I] and click on next step in next window, check the option SKIP THE INBOX and APPLY THE LABEL you have to choose the label now, you can also create a new one e.g. U I S, then finally click on CREATE FILTER, that’s it. If you like that previous message of the group should also be in that labeled folder you could have checked the box in front of the CREATE FILTER button. So now onwards all the messages of the group will directly get archived and wont show up in INBOX, you can see these messages by choosing the appropriate label from the Label section of the left side bar of G Mail
So, now you know how not to see group messages in your INBOX, not visit the group and still be able to reply ASAP and join the discussions, as per your convenience. Rupesh has set the option of No Emails, so its possible that he is not aware of the activities going on in real time.
Please let me know if you want to and have any problem in configuring email accounts or G Mail in Outlook of your PC or Mac, for LINUX guys don’t need as they are Smart enough J
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Dance video-I
This Video was recorded during the farewell party of Dr Anabarasu L. Who has left Camerino yesterday to Join King's College in UK.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
शुक्र-ग्रहण । Venus in the Lap of Moon
सोमवार की रात आसमान में एक अद्भुत खगोलीय नजारा देखने को मिला। पृथ्वी से दिखने वाले सबसे चमकदार ग्रह शुक्र को चंद्रमा से मिलन के लिए आतुर देखा गया। यह अद्भुत खगोलीय घटना पांच साल दो महीने और तीन दिन बाद घटी। अपनी-अपनी कक्षाओं में परिक्रमा करते हुए सोमवार 18th June 2007 की रात पृथ्वी, चंद्रमा और शुक्र एक सीध में आ गए। पृथ्वी और शुक्र के बीच चंद्रमा के आ जाने के कारण शुक्र पर ग्रहण लग गया।
खगोलशास्त्री इसे अंग्रेजी में आकल्टेशन आफ वीनस कहते हैं।
A CELESTIAL ENCOUNTER: The Moon came directly between Venus and the Earth on Monday. In the picture the planet is slowly approaching towards Moon, a phenomenon called Occultation of Venus
लखनऊ के इंदिरा गांधी नक्षत्रशाला के इंजीनियर (आपरेशन्स) अनिल यादव के मुताबिक इससे पूर्व यह घटना 14 अप्रैल 2002 को घटी थी। उनके मुताबिक लखनऊ में यह ग्रहण रात 9.32 (IST) बजे लगा। ग्रहण की अवधि लगभग 38 मिनट रही।
शाम को जब मुझे बर्लिन से मित्र ने ये सूचना दी तो मै भी अपना कैमरा ले के बाहर (Camerino, Italy Click on the link to see exact street location) निकल गया, जो भी दिखा (with 3x optical zoom Camera) वही उतारने की कोशिश की।
नीचे की दूसरी तस्वीर वाकयी देखने लायक है।
To see more Photos of occultation Visit Flickr
आभार: दैनिक जागरण
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Beach View-Civitanova Marche-Italy
Friday, June 1, 2007
Please Test Bhomiyo's Urdu to Hindi Transliterator
साथियों और दोस्तों, जैसा कि के पीयूष ने वादा किया था, वे अपना Urdu to Hindi Transliterator लेकर हाज़िर हैं।
आप सभी से, खासकर उर्दू जानने वालों से विनम्र निवेदन है कि वे इस औज़ार का परीक्षण करें और फ़ीडबैक उनके ई मेल पते पर दें।
आवश्यक जानकारी युक्त, उक्त प्रविष्टि पर उनकी टिप्पणी, यहाँ चिपका रहा हूँ।
From: bhomiyo []
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 8:14 PM
Subject: [hIndi Blog: ?????? ?????] New comment on ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? 'Bhomiyo.Com' ?? ??????.
bhomiyo has left a new comment on your post "मैं उर्दू पढ़ना चाहता हूँ 'Bhomiyo.Com' से अनुरोध":
I have tried little bit to get Urdu to Hindi transliteration. Can you please check it out and let me know if you can help me fixing it to the perfection.
Go to:
Enter an Urdu site:
Select "Urdu to Hind" in the Language drop down. And click GO.
You will see that the transliteration makes little sense as the Urdu is not too phonetic language. But if you are familiar with both Urdu and Hindi then you can help me out transliterating this correctly.
Thank you for all the people who have provided comments here. I could not find Raman Kaul's email address otherwise I would have contacted him directly too.
My address is info AT or piyushbhatt AT - just in case you need.
Cherry की चोरी फालसा और जामुन की याद..
जून २००५ मे जब मै अली जून २००५ मे जब मै अली हैदर के साथ रूम शेयर करता था उन दिनो सियेना से अपनी इन्टर्न्शिप कररहे सिद्धार्थ सिंह भी पधारे थे, पाकिस्तान के शकील हुसैन हम सब के सरदार थे ही हांलांकि वे सिद्धार्थ को सरदार सिंह कहते थे।
ऊपर की, ५ तस्वीरें उस समय की हैं। नीचे की दोनो और सबसे पहली पिछले सप्ताह की।, उस दिन सुबह लैब आया तो देखा कि हमारे कम्पू पर चेरी शोभायमान है :)।
और अगर चेरी अच्छी नही लगती तो जामुन का भी मौसम आने वाला है। ऊपर बायीं तरफ़ 'फालसा' है।
Phalsa is a small blueberry like fruit, which is deep red or purple when ripe. It can be eaten fresh, used in desserts or converted into a cooling summer drink.
Phalsa is a blood purifier and it has many medicinal qualities. The leaves, bark and roots are also used to treat a variety of ailments.
Syzygium jambolanum, eugenia cumini, eugenia jambolana.
Common name
Java plum, jambul, jamun, jaman, black plum, faux pistachier, Indian blackberry, jambol, doowet, jambolan.
Myrtaceae (myrtle family).
बचपन मे जामुन खाते हुए बहुत बनियानें जामुनी रंग से रंगी थीं।